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RFP: Strategic Planning Session

Connecticut NAHRO is soliciting proposals for development, coordination and presentation of a strategic planning session for its executive board. The proposal should include but not be limited to the following topics:

1. Mission Statement
2. Goals 1year, 3year, 5year
3. Tasks As Related To Goals (Vice-Presidents And Their Committees)
4. Development Of A Work Plan And Budget For Goals And Tasks
5. Program Calendar Based On Goals And Tasks
6. Public Relations Program
7. Other Issues As Board And President See Fit
8. Final Written Strategic Plan (Within 30 Days Of Session)

The Strategic planning will take place in a one-day session 6-8 hours, depending on needs and time schedule of executive board members, at a mutually agreeable place and time during the first quarter of 2008.

Proposals should include the education and experience of the submitting/presenting party in the development of strategic plans as well as their knowledge and experience of affordable and public housing and the redevelopment industry.

PRICING: The proposal response should include a flat fee for services in the development and presentation of the plan. The final written Strategic Plan is to be presented to the Executive Board at the second regular board meeting after the session.

Connecticut NAHRO reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals as they see fit in the best interest of the organization.

Please send proposal, by November 30, 2007, to:

Carol Barlow, Executive Assistant
P. O. Box 822
Canton, CT 06019