EL PASO -- As reported by Aileen B. Flores at the Elpaso Times, The El Paso City Council recently approved the street reconstruction and drainage improvements of St. Vrain Street in Segundo Barrio. The $694,000 project is scheduled to begin in November with a projected seven-month construction period, said Julie Baldwin, spokeswoman for the El Paso Engineering Department. Construction crews will replace the existing road with two lanes and a parkway on both sides, new sidewalks, handicap ramps and new street lights and signs, Baldwin said. The water lines, storm and sanitary sewers under the street will also be replaced, she said. Construction on St. Vrain will be from Delta Drive to Father Rahm Avenue. The project is part of the Alamito Hope VI project and will be funded by the city and Housing Authority of El Paso. Construction will be under contract to Quest Contracting Inc. of El Paso, according to a city document. More HERE

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The $694,000 project - Part of the Alamito Hope VI project
Posted by Housing Research.org at 4:56 AM
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