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Harry Byrd Jr., New Spartanburg Housing Authority Director,

New housing chief building foundation

Byrd setting sights on HOPE VI bids

The new Spartanburg Housing Authority director was instrumental in planning and implementing four federal HOPE VI grant projects, including one that transformed blighted housing units in Charlotte, N.C., into an attractive, $93 million development.

Harry Byrd Jr., the new Spartanburg Housing Authority director, talks about his plans for the agency at his office in Spartanburg.

Harry Byrd Jr. has been on the job for just four weeks, but he has met with staffers and key players in other partnering agencies, including the city of Spartanburg and Spartanburg County, to determine the agency's strengths and weaknesses.

The Housing Authority board of directors voted unanimously to hire Byrd after a nearly year-long search when former director Roy Johnson resigned to accept a similar position in Vancouver, Wash.

Byrd will oversee a $13.4 million budget, 941 public housing units and a staff of about 100. The housing authority also issues about 2,000 housing vouchers annually.

Byrd was the owner of The Harkin Group LLC of Huntersville, N.C., where he spent 10 years consulting housing authorities in the Southeast, primarily on how to submit and implement successful HOPE VI federal grants. He was the senior vice president and chief operating officer for the Charlotte Housing Authority from 1991 to 1998, when four successful HOPE VI grants were planned and executed. More HERE


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