Program Purpose
The Recovery Act includes a $1.5 billion appropriation for the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP). The purpose of the HPRP is to provide homelessness prevention assistance for households who would otherwise become homeless and rapid re-housing assistance for persons who are homeless. The overall goal of HPRP is for participants to achieve housing stability.
Public Benefits
The expected benefit of HPRP is to prevent homelessness and to facilitate the rapid re-housing of individuals and families. In addition, we will meet HUD’s overriding goal of creating and preserving jobs. HPRP is focused on housing and will provide temporary financial assistance and housing relocation and stabilization services to individuals and families who are homeless or would be homeless but for this assistance. Many individuals and families who benefit from this program will be able to concentrate efforts on re-entering the workforce and attaining self-sufficiency, thereby producing economic activity and enhancing the number of jobs created/saved.
Kinds and Scope of Program Activities
The eligible activities allowed under HPRP are clear and intentionally focused on housing—either direct financial assistance to help pay for housing, or services designed to help participants obtain, maintain and remain in housing. Funds are also available to track assistance through HMIS for local program or policy use and reporting to HUD. Grantees and sub-grantees may use HPRP funds to administer the following categories of eligible activities: (1) financial assistance; (2) housing relocation and stabilization services; (3) data collection and evaluation; and (4) administrative costs.
The HPRP Notice (FR-5307-N-01), which outlines the eligible activities, also includes a section that clearly states activities that are ineligible, including services that are eligible under other Recovery Act programs, mortgage costs, and credit card bills. In an effort to further avoid mismanagement of grant funds, the Notice stipulates that HPRP funds must not be used to make payments directly to program participants, but only to third parties, such as landlords or utility companies. The Notice can be found at

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Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)
Posted by Housing at 11:52 AM
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